Sincer, eu cred ca povestea de mai jos este adevarata(sau ar putea fi), ca de n-ar fi, nu s-ar povesti si imi pare rau ca s-a terminat asa. Mai multe amanunte+foto gasiti AICI. Dar voi ce parere aveti?
“I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues,” he told the Irish Times. “Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me.”
Initially Jian accused his wife of infidelity, because he knew he could never be the father of an unattractive child. However, DNA tests proved that the child was indeed his. Feng’s wife then came clean and admitted she had about $100,000 worth of cosmetic surgery done in South Korea before they met.
Feng sued his wife on grounds of false pretenses, for not telling him the truth about the plastic surgery, and duping him into believing that she was beautiful. A judge agreed with Feng’s argument and ordered his wife to fork over $120,000."
"J Feng sued his wife for giving birth to what he called an “incredibly ugly” girl.
“I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues,” he told the Irish Times. “Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me.”
Initially Jian accused his wife of infidelity, because he knew he could never be the father of an unattractive child. However, DNA tests proved that the child was indeed his. Feng’s wife then came clean and admitted she had about $100,000 worth of cosmetic surgery done in South Korea before they met.
Feng sued his wife on grounds of false pretenses, for not telling him the truth about the plastic surgery, and duping him into believing that she was beautiful. A judge agreed with Feng’s argument and ordered his wife to fork over $120,000."
4 comentarii:
Doamne dumnezeule. Sper ca e evident pentru toata lumea ca adevaratul monstru din povestea asta este "tatal", caci numai intre ghilimele poate fi numit asa. Oribil specimen. Si, daca ar fi s-o spunem pe aia dreapta, fetita aia mi se pare chiar draguta.
Intre timp am scos poza, nu cred ca erau personajele povestii noastre. Dar in social media, parerea unanima era alta: ca femeia a gresit.
Apucasem sa vad poza si nu mi se parea urata fetita. Ma rog, eu nu am nimic impotriva operatiilor estetice, daca ai ceva de corectat si iti permiti, de ce nu?
Da, sigur, corectatul este ok. dar cand corectezi prea mult, se intoarce impotriva ta. Cel putin in cazul acesta. Eu m-am gandit insa la altceva. Am inversat rolurile.
Daca barbatul era urat(cu operatii, ca sa para frumos), se casatorea, aveau copilasi. Copilsii erau nashpa(sa zicem), femeia se simtea pacalita.
Divorta. Rupea familia in doua. Il dadea pe sot in judecata pe motiv de vulpe pacalit de urs.
Stiti ce ar fi zis opinia publica?
1-ar fi zis ca femeia e nebuna ca strica o casnicie cu un barbat bun
2-ca daca nu a cascat ochiiinainte, e vina ei, ca e cam proasta
3-ca barbatu oricum trebuie sa fie un pic mai frumos ca dracu'
4 barbatul ar fi compatimit, nu injurat si complimentat drept mincinos, rau ipocrit. Si bun de plata, evident.
Cum in situatia prezentata de mine rolurile se schimba, parca si predicatul si subiectul se schimba; femeia e de vina…not cool, not cool, asta am vrut sa spun...
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