Pantone a anuntat astazi culoarea anului 2014: Radiant Orchid. Ce spuneti despre ea?Ati fi asteptat o alta culoare? Dupa smarald(2013), tango tangerine (2012), honeysuckle(2011), turcoaz(2010), galben mimosa(2009), Blue Iris(2008), Chili Pepper(2007), Sand Dollar(2006), Blue Turquoise(2005), Tigerlily(2004), Aqua Sky(2003), True Red(2002),Fuchsis Rose(2001), Cerulean(2000)
Iata mai jos felul in care se presupune ca RADIANT ORCHID va influenta beauty&fashion&Interiors:
CARLSTADT, N.J., Dec. 5, 2013 – Pantone, an X-Rite company and the global authority, today announced PANTONE® 18-3224 Radiant Orchid, a captivating, magical, enigmatic purple, as the color of the year for 2014.
“An enchanting harmony of fuchsia, purple and pink undertones, Radiant Orchid inspires confidence and emanates great joy, love and health. It is a captivating purple, one that draws you in with its beguiling charm.”
Radiant Orchid for Fashion
Radiant Orchid’s rosy undertones radiate on the skin, producing a healthy glow when worn by both men and women. A dazzling attention-getter, Radiant Orchid permeated the runways during the spring 2014 fashion shows and is already making its way onto the red carpet. Fashion designers featured in the PANTONE Fashion Color Report Spring 2014, including Emerson by Jackie Fraser-Swan, Juicy Couture and Yoana Baraschi, are incorporating Radiant Orchid into their spring collections and variations of this hue will carry into men’s and women’s clothing and accessories throughout next year.
Radiant Orchid for Beauty
A modern and surprisingly versatile shade, Radiant Orchid enlivens the skin, making all who wear it feel more healthy and energetic. Blending both cool and warm undertones, purple is an appealing hue for distinctive combinations and flattering to many hair, eye and skin tones.
This multifaceted hue is seductive when combined with red and pairs well with its sister shades of lavender, purple and pink, which provides an assortment of lipstick and blush options. Radiant Orchid’s exuberance also acts as a brilliant finishing touch to nails.
Radiant Orchid for Interiors
Spruce up interior spaces by incorporating this eye-catching hue in paint, accent pieces and accessories. As adaptable as it is beautiful, Radiant Orchid complements olive and deeper hunter greens, and offers a gorgeous combination when paired with turquoise, teal and even light yellows.
Likewise, the vibrant color is sure to liven up neutrals including gray, beige and taupe. Uplifting and bold without being overpowering, Radiant Orchid reenergizes almost any color palette and provides a unifying element for diverse spaces.
8 comentarii:
Chiar ieri mi-am cumparat un pulover pufos si calduros in culoarea asta. :) IMI PLACE! O zi cat mai frumoasa Raluca
Eu de obicei faceam pronosticuri, dar nu mi-au iesit niciodata. Acum cred ca as fi zis: rosu! Dupa cum vezi, nu mi-ar fi iesit...
Imi place culoarea anului 2014, este intr-o nota mai optimista, e frumoasa :)
Ce frumos ! Eu ma bucur pentru ca imi sta bine aceasta culoare (sau asa mi se pare mie) si la machiaj, si la haine, si la bijuterii... Doar pentru decoratiuni de interior am o retinere.
Drept sa spun mi-ar fi placut si rosu pentru ca tocmai mi-am cumparat o jacheta rosie ca focul de la Mango :)
Sincer este culoarea mea preferata, ma bucur sa fie si in tendinte! Te pup, Adela!
Da, intr-adevar si eu am vazut anul asta rosu "in fata ochilor" mai mult ca oricand.. Mie mi s-a intamplat din pura coincidenta sa gasesc un pulover atat de frumos si calduros in culoarea asta, incat mi-am zis ca trebuie sa il am. Deja ma indragostisem iremediabil..
Astazi m-am simtit minunat purtandu-l..
Iti doresc o seara frumoasa, in care Mos Nicolae iti umple ghetutele cu bunatati si surprize frumoase. Raluca
Uite că și eu, fără să știu, m-am lăsat sedusă în ultimul timp de această culoare, în diversele ei nuanțe. Îmi place mult și la machiaj!!
Imi place mult, e o culoare vesela
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