Pentru ca la quiz-ul anterior, am avut si o a doua varianta de raspuns, l-am refacut(cu unele raspunsuri schimbate, dar fara sa pacalesc!) si mi-a iesit ca sunt un trandafir rosu. Voi nu ati avut second thoughts?
Iata si descrierea:
"Refined and proper, you know that everything has its place and that its place is where you think it should be. You don't have much tolerance for tom-foolery and will turn your nose up at the type of people who waste their time on foolish things."
4 comentarii:
Roses are red ... Violets are blue :))
bine ai venit pe beautynews, Star. Tu ce floare esti?
You Are a Daisy : "You are just a sweet person. When a friend needs a shoulder to cry on, you are happy to offer yours with a box of tissues as well. Once in awhile, you wish you could be a little more dramatic but then sensibility sets back in and you know that you are perfect the way you are." Si eu am fost uimita de rezultat.
Nu pot sa spun ca mi se potriveste descrierea, dar floarea imi place :)
Am facut si un al doilea test, convinsa ca ar fi mai multe intrebari unde as fi putut alege si altceva....iar am fost uimita sa constant ca as fi ales, acum cu convingere, acelasi raspuns. :)
@Mihaela, poate ar trebui sa refaci quiz-ul peste un an:)
Daca iti vei mai aduce aminte...
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