luni, noiembrie 8

Stiti cine e Cristina Radu? Romanca e cosmeticiana lui Jennifer Aniston!

Cristina Radu are unul dintre cele mai cunoscute saloane de infrumusetare din Beverly Hills, European Skin Care Spa. Dintre clientii ei celebri imi vin in minte acum doar doi: Jennifer Aniston si Brad Pitt.
Nefiind cunoscuta in Romania precum Anastasia Soare, care se bucura de un marketing exceptional, am decis sa preiau cateva raspunsuri pe care le consider interesante, Q&A- despre problemele de beauty pe care le-am preluat de pe site-ul ei.
Preturile pentru un tratament cosmetic(include  extractia) incep de la 165 USD, pret care nu mi se pare prohibitiv avand in vedere ca vorbim de Beverly Hills. 
In ultima vreme, interesul meu merge mult catre tratamente cosmetice si masaje, pentru ca simt nevoia unei ingrijiri mult mai atente decat acum un an.
Iata si Q&A:

Q: Should people with oily skin use moisturizers?
A: Yes. People should use a well-balanced moisturizer depending on their skin type. I do not believe in oil free moisturizers because oil free does not fully nurture the skin tissue. The misconception is that oily skin should be dried out, when in fact, all types of skin should be a bit oily to be properly balanced. Drying out the skin causes extra production of sebum which then clogs the pores and creates a dull and congested-looking complexion.
Q: What age should one begin to use eye cream? 
A: I start to recommend eye cream between the ages of 25-28 to my clients. I feel it is the perfect time to begin a preventative skincare regime. 
Q: How important is a body cream?
A: Extremely important!! Over the years I’ve seen many clients regret not taking care of their body skin as well as the skin on their face. As a result, their body skin looks dull, dry and has a loss of elasticity.
Q: What is your opinion on using acids-such as glycolic, alpha-hydroxy and retinol?
A: I am very much against using any acids or acid-based products on the skin. Acids give the immediate impression of improvement when in actuality they create a low-grade burn and imbalance that causes irritation, redness and breakout.
Q: How does one lighten brown spots?
A: A series of microdermabrasion treatments to exfoliate the damaged layers of the epidermis. In addition, I recommend an inclusive home skin care regime with products that stimulate the collagen production and also improve the pigmentation and structure of the new skin. 

Si un posibil raspuns la problema mea cu summer feet:
Q: What causes feet to become dry, callused and cracked?
A: The use of flip flops is the number one reason feet become destroyed in the summertime. This is caused by the perspiration of the foot against the plastic of the flip flops. The same is true with sneakers worn without socks. As a result the foot gets a dry fungus, which shows as cracked heels. to remedy this problem, one has to use hydrating foot products which contain a high percentage of uric acid and a low percentage of clotrimazole.

10 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

buna seara!foarte interesant articolul..ati auzit cumva de vreun dermatolog bun in pitesti?

adela sirghie spunea...

@Anonim: nu am auzit, dar o sa ma interesez, pentru ca in Pitesti am un var care este doctor si poate imi recomanda pe pe cineva.
Dar ce problema vrei sa tratezi?

Anonim spunea...

ti as fi profund recunoascatoare..acneea:-S

adela sirghie spunea...

O sa ai(sau ai deja!)mari batai de cap. Sper sa te pot ajuta!

Andreea spunea...

Super interesant articolul! Multumim! Nici macar nu stiam de aceasta tipa,Cristina Radu!

Anonim spunea...

sunt sigura k ma veti ajuta..asa cum ati facut cu o multime de fete pe aici..multumim pentru ceea ce faceti..este minunat ca impartasiti cu alte fete(mai nepricepute)toate experientele si cunostintele

adela sirghie spunea...

@Anonim: doua variante am gasit, ambele la Policlinica 1 mai din Pitesti; Patrascu Viorel si Maria Sorescu.
Pe de alta parte, eu iti recomnad un regim vegetarian in urmatoarea perioada: fara carne, fara lactate, fara oua, fara ciocolata si nicio bautura acidulata.
Cred ca tenul tau, de altfel aici e vorba de intreg corpul, are mare nevoie de o detoxifiere. Incearca o perioada un regim vegetal, sunt sigura ca situatia ta se va ameliora.

Anonim spunea...

multumesc din suflet:*

Natural, ca Aloe Vera spunea...

Ca sa stie tot mai multi, am scris in Blog and roll 12

Natural, ca Aloe Vera spunea...

(H)ai noroc cu o leapsa de la mine!